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Thus the sign represents two lips seen in profile was a variation of the classical sign represents two lips seen from the front. New signs could also be derived from existing ones using the pars pro toto principle, where part of an existing sign was used as a variation on that sign. The eye-ball, for instance, was a used as variation on the eye . Inside the park, 118 magnificent attractions can be seen, which are replicated and made on a scale of 1:1, 1:1.5 and 1:1.5 respectively. Such replicas include the world famous Pyramids of Egypt, the Amon Temple of Karnak, Paris’ Arc de Triomphe, India’s Taj Mahal and Italy’s Leaning Tower of Pisa. ProQuest powers research in academic, corporate, government, public and school libraries around the world with unique content. Explore millions of resources from scholarly journals, books, newspapers, videos and more. Joseph Campbell COMMEMORATIVE EDITION THE HERO WITH A With an Introduction by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. author of Women Who Run With the Wolves THE HERO WITH A T H O U S A N D FACES Commemorative Edition, with an Introduction by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. Joseph Campbell's classic cross- cultural study of the hero's journey has inspired millions and opened up new areas of research and
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